Saturday, January 2, 2010

2 lbs, 1 day...

well, as of about 3:00 this afternoon, I've dropped 2 lbs. :D water weight? possibly. I am digging it though. :)

So, I wasn't entirely raw today- I had the rest of the sloppy joe on a hot dog bun for lunch, but for breakfast I had a tangerine, peach strawberry smoothie with some agave and a few dates. And for dinner I made a dip from cashews, coconut oil (next time I will use olive oil- won't leave a sweet taste) dehydrated onion, and garlic powder as well as a little salt. Not bad liquified in the food processor.. well, not liquified, but as close as you can get with my little machine. :) I also ate with that some sliced cucumbers and 1/2 of a red bell pepper. Pretty good. :D

Well- it's 8:00 and I'm exhausted. I've been up since 5:oo or so this morning, so I'm going to go to bed. I have church tomorrow, and since I'm church shopping it should be interesting. What is it with the new trend of pastors putting their wives on the scene to be part of the church. Whatever, different subject and this is for my RAW journey. :)

YAY, day 2, and not too shabby if I say so myself. Will post tomorrow morning after weigh-in. hugs, health and blessings!!!

"RAWby" Rose! :) (digging that! read the comments section of my last blog to understand it!)

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